⚒️ Southern Hemisphere Mining Limited reports its Quarterly Activity for the period ended 31 December 2024.
- RC drilling extends strike of the Cerro-Ferro system by 15% to 2.2km, ahead of H1 2025 JORC resource upgrade including results of:
- 105m @ 0.64% CuEq from surface to EOH, incl. 16m @ 0.85% CuEq from surface and 26m @ 0.91% CuEq from 78m 24LHRC065
- 132m @ 0.48% CuEq from surface, incl. 60m @ 0.67% CuEq from surface 24LHRC058
- 81m @ 0.49% CuEq from 2m to EOH, incl. 48m @ 0.58% CuEq from 30m 24LHRC055
- 122m @ 0.41% CuEq from 2m, incl. 48m @ 0.52% CuEq from 66m 24LHRC048
- 16m @ 0.51% CuEq from 102m 24LHRC051
- Potential feeder zone at Cerro identified from RC drilling, pre-collars in place for diamond tails to be completed Q1 2025
- Magneto-Telluric (MT) survey field data acquisition for refinement of deep, potentially large, copper targets completed

Figure 1: Location map of Southern Hemisphere’s projects in Chile, South America.
Llahuin Copper-Gold-Moly Porphyry Project 100% The Company completed a positive RC drilling program which extended the already large strike of 1.9km to 2.2km, aiding in the planned JORC resource upgrade and subsequent progression towards mining studies.
The reported work is part of the process to substantially increase the copper and gold endowment of the Llahuin Project from the current Independent Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) of 680,000t copper equivalent (measured indicated and inferred categories) completed in 2013, the Company is in the process of incorporating all drilling results and re-interpretation, re-logging, and other work completed since the 2013 MRE; this will also include all results from the diamond drilling planned to commence Q1 2025.

Figure 2: Plan showing geochemical footprint models thema cally colour scaled from blue (moderate probability) through to reds and magentas (high probability).
RC Drilling and Diamond Tail Programs
The recent RC drilling started to define a new zone south of the Ferro zone with wide intercepts recorded in the drilling. The drilling has extended the zone for over 300m to the southwest and the mineralisation is open in that direction and requires further drilling to better define the extension. Three drill sections have been completed to date and show the mineralisation to be flat lying, higher than resource grade, manto-style mineralisation at this stage.
The relevant area is circled in yellow in the map below.

Figure 3. 3D view looking northeast from Southern Porphyry (SP) to Central Porphyry, showing the scale of the Llahuin mineralising system with Ferro extension in yellow circle, and the newly identified East Porphyry zone in the green circle (colluvium cover up to 5m deep). ).
Cerro Feeder Zone identified for Deeper Drilling
Testing the western extents at Cerro with holes 24LHRC064 and 24LHRC065 intersected similar, to the already defined near surface mineralisation. Several RC holes are ready for diamond tails to be completed Q1 2025. Positive RC drilling has defined a feeder zone within the Cerro Deposit which is now ready for diamond drilling to extend the zone at depth.

Figure 4. Cross section showing holes 24LHRC064 and 24LHRC065, which are both planned for diamond tails in the upcoming drilling campaign.
Geophysics and Modelling
A fault zone model has been completed by Fathom Geophysics to advance the understanding of the mineralising and barren faults for better targeting of future drilling. The Company has engaged Southern Rock Geophysics to extend and infill the historical MT survey at Llahuin.
The MT survey is expected to assist with deep hole targeting at Cerro-Ferro and the Southern Porphyry target and will complement the Fathom deposit footprint models, as well as the IP dataset that covers most of the concession holdings and key targets.

Figure 5. MT data collection – green lines are the completed survey. Infill yellow lines recently determined not required.
The Magneto-Telluric Deep Target Study
MT data acquisition, for refinement of deep large copper targets, has been completed and the data is being processed and integrated with the Company’s existing MT data, which covers part of the Curiosity Target in the Southern Porphyry. The MT dataset will be integrated with and interrogated against the existing IP, aeromagnetic, and geochemical prospectivity mapping datasets. The aim is to identify new “blind” shallow targets under the colluvial cover sequence, and augment and refine the deeper targets beneath Cerro/Ferro and Curiosity.
Los Pumas Battery Metals Manganese Project 100%
The Los Pumas Project is an advanced manganese deposit for which Southern Hemisphere is seeking offtake/JV funding/sale for a long life mine to produce:
- Agriculture products for soil improvement;
- Electrolytic Manganese for steel making; and/or
- High-Purity Manganese Sulphate Monohydrate (“HPMSM”) to supply the Electric Vehicle (“EV”) and energy storage markets.
Southern Hemisphere is actively marketing this project, and welcome any inquires to cosec@shmining.com.au
Lago Lithium Brine Project 100%
The Company’s main focus has been the expansion drilling at Llahuin, therefore no exploration activities took place during the quarter under review on the strategically obtained Lago Lithium Brine Project, located in the renowned lithium-rich Atacama region of Chile and covering an area of approximately 27km2.
The Salar de Atacama is widely recognised for its exceptional lithium deposits operated by the world’s largest lithium brine producers, SQM and Albemarle.
Southern Hemisphere is actively marketing this project, and welcome any inquires to cosec@shmining.com.au

Figure 6: Location of the nine new lithium brine concessions
ASX Release – Drilling Commences at Llahuin Copper-Gold Project, Chile – 10 October 2024.
ASX Release – Presentation – Bremer Bay Conference – 29 October 2024.
ASX Release – Interim Drilling Results Demonstrates Major Strike Extension – 11 December 2024.
ASX Release – Interim Drilling Results – Amended – 13 December 2024.
ASX Release – Higher Grade Copper & Strike Extension At Llahuin, Chile – 28 January 2025.
ASX Release – Company Presentation – Los Pumas Manganese Project, Chile – 20 May 2024.
ASX Release – Intension to Demerge Battery Minerals Asset – 5 July 2023.
ASX Release – Application for the Lago Lithium Brine Concessions in Chile – 10 July 2023.
The Full PDF is available below.
Mr Anderson is a consultant for the Company and consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.
News Release
Date: 29 January 2025 | ASX Code: SUH | Frankfurt Exchange: NK4
Southern Hemisphere Mining Limited is an experienced minerals explorer in Chile, South America.
Chile is the world’s leading copper producing country and one of the most prospective regions of the world for major new copper discoveries. The Company’s projects include the Llahuin Porphyry Copper-Gold-Moly Project, the Lago Lithium Exploration Project, and the Los Pumas Manganese EV Battery Project, all of which were discovered by the Company.
For the latest information about the Company – please visit our Latest News and Corporate Profile pages. We are also on LinkedIn and Twitter (X).