Southern Hemisphere Mining Limited has released its Quarterly Activities Report for the period ending 31 December 2021.
Llahuin Copper-Gold-Moly Project.
- RC drill program to expand on the large Llahuin Copper/Gold/Moly porphyry cluster currently totalling 149mt@0.41CuEq and past drill results including 440m@0.75%CuEq from near surface, commenced in December 2021 and is ongoing.
- Approx 2,000m of unassayed drillcore was located on site and is currently being re-logged to select suitable intervals for assaying.
- SUH’s Exploration Manager travelled to Chile to oversee the successful execution of the drilling and exploration programs onsite.
Colina2 Gold Discovery:
- 100% of assay results have now been received from the 19 hole 2,793m RC program completed in Q3 2021 – including a result of 27m @ 1.27g/t gold from 12m depth as well as the previously announced 34m @ 1.39g/t gold from 24m depth.
Llahuin Cu-Au-Mo Project (100% owned)
The company has commenced an RC drilling program from December 2021 into 2022.
The company is planning to expand the current resource of 149mt @ 0.41% CuEq significantly by drilling new targets for undiscovered porphyry deposits within the company’s 100% owned tenure and testing potential extensions to known deposits.
Additionally dozens of old gold underground workings were noted on the company’s licences and the company plans to start an underground channel sampling program which is significantly cheaper than drilling. An experienced underground miner from the local village has been employed to supervise this work.
The historic results in existing resources such as 440m@0.75 CuEq from 2m depth demonstrate the potential of the area to expand the current resource (ASX release 18 August 2013).
The large Llahuin copper/gold/moly porphyry system is located 8km SE from Colina2, and 8km East of Pucobre’s – El Espino Copper/Gold mine development.

Figure 1. Aerial view of the company’s Llahuin Cu-Au-Mo resources and Colina2 proximal to Pucobre’s El Espino IOCG development 8km West
Colina 2 Gold Project (100% owned)
100% of the assay results have now been received from the 19 hole 2,793m RC program completed in Q3 2021.
Drilling included a result of 34m @ 1.39g/t gold from 24m depth in drillhole 21CLRC003(ASX release 13 September 2021) and 27m @ 1.27g/t gold from 12m in drillhole 21CLRC013 (ASX release 17 January 2022).
A field visit was completed during December by the Exploration Manager which was useful in checking the position of the drillholes and what is required for the next drilling program at Colina2.
Historical soil data shows the gold in soils has a correlation with bismuth and a soil sampling program for the northern part of the original Colina2 licence and targets in the new Colina2 licences are planned for Q1 2022.
Further work is also planned at the old Colo copper-gold mine at Colina 2 – see Figure 3 below.

Figure 4. Colina2 Concession. The Colo Copper Mine (historic) and Colina2 Gold Project shown and drill hole locations
Los Pumas Manganese Project (100% owned)
Manganese Battery Metals the Future for the Los Pumas Manganese Project-Chile The Company is continuing to evaluate options to advance the project.
For the full presentation on the Los Pumas Manganese HPMSM for the EV Battery Market and Alternative Products visit
To view the entire QAR for the period ending 31 December 2021 – please download the PDF -> SUH – QAR End 31 Dec 2021
News Release
Date: 18 January 2022 | ASX Code: SUH
Competent Person/Qualified Person Statement: The information in this report that relates to copper and gold exploration results for the Company’s Projects is based on information compiled by Mr Adam Anderson, who is a Member of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and The Australian Institute of Geoscientists. Mr Anderson has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration, and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the “Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves”. Mr Anderson is a consultant for the Company and consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.
Southern Hemisphere Mining Limited is an experienced minerals explorer in Chile, South America. Chile is the world’s leading copper producing country and one of the most prospective regions of the world for major new copper discoveries. The Company’s projects include the Llahuin Porphyry Copper-Gold-Moly Project, the adjacent Colina 2 Gold Project, and the Los Pumas Manganese EV Battery Project, all of which were discovered by the Company.
For the latest information about the Company – please visit our Latest News and Corporate Profile pages. We are also on LinkedIn and Twitter.