Southern Hemisphere Mining Limited has welcomed Hallgarten and Company’s Initiation of Coverage report on Southern Hemisphere Mining’s mineral resources in Chile.

Excerpt from Hallgarten and Company’s Initiation of Coverage on SUH
The Company has two major projects located in Chile.
Llahuin Copper-Gold-Moly Project
Table 1: Llahuin Total Measured and Indicated Resource JORC – 2013
Los Pumas Battery Metal Manganese Project
Table 1: Independent Resource Consultant, Global Commodity Solutions (“GCS”) completed the JORC resource summary.
Click on the image below to view the full PDF of the commissioned research report from Hallgarten and Company released May 2023.
News Release
Date: 3 May 2023 | ASX Code: SUH
Southern Hemisphere Mining Limited is an experienced minerals explorer in Chile, South America. Chile is the world’s leading copper producing country and one of the most prospective regions of the world for major new copper discoveries. The Company’s projects include the Llahuin Porphyry Copper-Gold-Moly Project, and the Los Pumas Manganese EV Battery Project, all of which were discovered by the Company.
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